One Year After, No Justice Yet For Late Singer, Ilerioluwa Aloba ‘Mohbad’

Kunle Adelabu & Mariam Akinloye with Joy Fasunnon & Bolu Orebajo

-Fans protest as coroner continues siting in Ikorodu

-Darocha gives evidence before coroner.

Fans protesting at the Ikorodu High Court in commemoration of a year anniversary of Mohbad’s death

A year after the late singer, Ilerioluwa Aloba, popularly called, ‘Mohbad’, died mysteriously and people around the world staged protests in cities, communities and towns calling for justice for his death, it is still a long road to justice as nothing concrete seems to have been established regarding the cause of his death.

At the Ikorodu High Court on Wednesday, September 11, where the matter regarding his death resumed for hearing, many of the late singer’s fans, NGOs and concerned citizens gathered at the frontage of the court’s complex in Ikorodu, to stage protests, calling for justice for his death.

There was a heavy security presence within and outside the court premises.

Because of the circumstances and controversies that surrounded his death, there was no agreement on when he actually died. While some of his fans chose September 11, others picked September 12, as the anniversary of his death.

His burial, which took place on September 12, was trailed by a widespread public outcry and demands for a thorough investigation into the cause of his death.

Mohbad’s body was exhumed on September 21, 2923, for an autopsy at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH). However, the report from the autopsy has since generated further controversies as his family rejected the report and and insisted on conducting theirs.

Fans calling for justice for Mohbad

At the court on Wednesday to give evidence at the coroner inquest, was Mr Adeyemo who allegedly embalmed the remains of Mohbad traditionally.

Speaking with THE IMPACT, one of the protesters who simply identified herself as a volunteer, said that he joined the protest to get justice for late Mohbad and others that have been denied justice in the country.

“I believe in justice and I believe everyone and every living being should also believe in justice. Of course, we copied (the idea of human) rights from the foreign countries like UK and America, where they usually uphold justice.

“Whatever your position is in their country, whenever you commit crime, they will fish you out.

“So, I want such to start in Nigeria, and having said that, after the death of Mohbad, a lot of people have also been denied justice. So, seeing his case being treated in this manner, I feel disappointed and my heart bleeds.

“As a mother, I don’t sleep whenever I listen to his lyrics, I usually don’t know how I feel. Every Mohbad’s song is a message, whenever you listen to it very well.

“Those messages are enough for the Nigerian government to give us justice. Don’t forget that Wunmi, Mohbad’s wife, came out to say that they have killed Mohbad. We want to know whom she said killed him”.

If she is afraid, let the security (agencies) give her adequate protection, so that she can give us clues.

Some of the protesters

“That’s why I am here. I am begging the judges and lawyers and the police as a mother, we want all these to stop. The Mohbad’s case is known all over the world, so, justice delayed is justice denied. We want the police to fast track the procedure so that we can get justice”, she said.

Another protester, Mr Noble, also said that they are gathered to mark the one year anniversary of Mohbad’s death and seek justice for him.

Meanwhile, our reporters that covered the coroner inquest and the peaceful protest outside the court complex, engaged Wunmi (Mohbad wife) and members of the Mohbad’s family, on the evidence adduced to Darocha, which was agreed to have shed light on the matter.

Barr. Kabiru Akingbolu, lawyer to Wunmi and Mohbad’s son, reacting to Darocha’s submissions at the inquest, said:

“Initially, I thought this thing is being delayed unnecessarily, but seeing Darocha coming to give evidence, this has really enlightened the people and thrown more light on the whole thing; some things that are unclear are now clearer.

“Before, some people believed that there was CCTV in the house which was damaged after his death (Mohbad’s death), but four months before the death of Mohbad, the CCTV was working.

“He said that the fight between the husband and wife was due to the fact that the wife was saying that why should he be fighting at a show and that she had been telling him not to be fighting at shows. It is not anything special from what people believed before.

“When you look at the evidence, it has really helped the court. The lawyers and the public are better enlightened and l think that everybody is pleased with the turnout of the event.

When asked which of the arguments on Mohbad and wife as stated by Darocha or Adura (Mohbad brother) at the Corona inquest, should be accepted, when he said there had been ongoing fight between Mohbad and his wife before his last show in Ikorodu, which escalated and which another witness, Ayobami Sodiq (Spending) attested to, the lawyer said:

“I think that Darocha’s evidence is clearer. He stated that wife and husband can fight at anytime. It’s a common thing and he stated it clearer than others that had come to give evidence.

“He stated that it was the fight between Prime Boy and Mohbad that led to the wound that he (Mohbad) had. He even stated that Prime Boy ran away and that he and Adura ran after him but they were unable to grab him. If he has not done anything sinister, why did he run away?”, he asked.

“Mohbad was telling them (Darocha and Adura) why would they allow him to run away after he wounded him. He was very furious with them when he entered his car because they allowed the person that inflicted injury on him to escape.

“These are clearer than what other people have said and the learned SAN also observe that”, he said.

When asked what he thinks about what Adeyemo (Darocha) said that Prime Boy, an hefty guy, ran away on seeing him, the lawyer said:

“If you listen to his evidence (Darocha), he said that it is a reoccurring thing between Mohbad and Prime Boy to fight. He also said if he or Adura were with Mohbad (at the particular point in time), Prime Boy wouldn’t have fought with Mohbad, because he is afraid of them and that he knows that they will go after him. He said that clearly.

“Prime Boy took flight on seeing them”.

Lasty, when asked why Wunmi was not in court, Barr. Kabiru explained that:

“What actually happened is that I traveled and I just came back this morning to the court directly from the journey. I told her that I may not be able to make it (to the court). I didn’t want her to give evidence in court when I, the lead counsel, is not in court.

“She will be here on the next adjourned date which is 30th, live and direct”.

When engaged, lawyer to Mohbad’s family, Barr. Wahab Shittu, also commenting on Darocha’s evidence, said:

“Darocha’s testimony is making the coast clearer. In proceedings of this nature, we should be concerned with the substance, why are we here? We are not here because of sentiments, we are here to find out the cause of death and the manner of death of late Mohbad. What caused his death? In what circumstance that he die? Those are the two questions.

“If we narrow our searchlight, that is why today’s proceeding is particularly very useful. Darocha beamed his searchlight on the two questions, and today, three things came out clearly. One, that Mohbad sustained injuries arising from his scuffle with Prime Boy.

“Two, a nurse was called in who administered injections on Mohbad and three, Mohbad and his wife were used to having occasional disagreements, even they had it while the journey lasted to and from their residence to the show in Ikorodu, And the questions that you would want to ask yourself is whether an injury, however minor, can cause the death of a human being. We know that injury, whether major or minor, can cause death.

“Two, about the injection, we need to find out the nature of the injection, whether it was a right injection or was he wrongly injected? And whether the application of the injection can also cause death.

“Three, whether it is not normal for husband and wife to have disagreement. Those are the issues. I am not the coroner. The coroner will decide.

“But what is clear from the testimony of Darocha today which is also contained in the report of the pathologists, is that he sustained injury in his forearm. I want to pose the question, if the pathologist found as a mater of fact that late Mohbad actually sustained injuries, and if Darocha also confirmed that he did, whether such injury is not …..

“And, if it was also confirmed that he was injected, whether it is right for the pathologists to also conclude that the cause of his death cannot be ascertained”.

Meanwhile, Mohbad’ father, Mr Joseph Aloba, when asked about the curse he placed on anyone that organized remembrance in honour of his son’s death, explained that:

“I spoke about the one year anniversary of his death in two folds: One, some people want to use it to raise funds, forgetting that he has not been buried a year after his death as a Yoruba boy. I am appreciative of the support from the people and there is nothing wrong in celebrating his one remembrance.

“On the other hand, some people are planning to use his anniversary to amass wealth which l said in my statement.

“We can remember him one year after and use it to get justice for his death. I did not curse those that want to do this, but others that want to take advantage of his death to make money”, Mr Aloba said.

He also commended those that are sincere with the pursuit for justice for his son.

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